Your Financial House

Retirement should be about more than simply having a roof over your head. Our team has extensive experience in crafting a financial house for our clients — so you can account for some of the biggest threats to a confident retirement.

What is a Financial House?

As you approach and enter retirement, your wealth should work for you in a multitude of ways. Whether it’s in lower risk strategies (your foundation), more growth-driven vehicles (your roof) or somewhere in between (your walls), designing a blueprint that reflects your specific needs is at the core of our Retirement Design System®. The parts of your Financial House could include:

  • Roof (stocks & private equity; small-, mid- and large-cap funds; sector ETFs)
  • Walls (real estate, hard assets, bonds/fixed income)
  • Foundation (cash & CDs, insurance products, Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS)
  • Interior (income, legacy, tax and healthcare planning)

Retirement Design System®

From foundation to roof, our proprietary process helps eliminate doubts that often come with retirement.

Investments involve risk including the potential loss of principal invested. No investment strategy can guarantee a profit or protect against loss in periods of declining values.



Visit with us and share your goals and concerns for retirement.



Go in-depth on your unique financial situation and mutually decide if we should move forward together.


Blueprint Design Process

Enjoy your custom-built retirement strategy, complete with:

Additional Services


Inheritance Design

Overview: This planning program helps retirees prepare heirs for their inheritance and memorialize their family legacy for generations to come. This service includes*:

  • Documenting family story
  • Defining family vision & principles
  • In-depth legal review of estate plan**
  • Multi-generational family retreat
  • Inter-generational mentoring


What's the first step? Schedule a 15-Minute Retirement Review

*This service is available for existing clients as well as families who are not investment advisory clients of J. Biance Financial. This is a fee-based service; however, discounted rates are available for existing clients.

**Completed by partner attorney. J. Biance Financial nor its agents or representatives may give legal advice.


Breaking Ground

Overview: This planning program is designed for young investors who want to jump-start their retirement planning. This service includes:

  • Student loan pay-off planning
  • Cash-flow management systems
  • Debt elimination planning
  • Tax-free investment strategies
  • College savings plans

What's the first step? Schedule a 15-Minute Retirement Review

It never hurts to get a second opinion.
