Sitting pretty? You could be.
Through a simple, clear and holistic planning process, we help provide freedom to focus on what matters.
In the world of financial services, there is a seemingly unlimited number of products and services. The suite of strategies we provide our clients are designed to be specific to the needs of pre-retirees and retirees. That being said, the principles of the builder are just as important as the design he creates. At J. Biance Financial, we believe to have one of the most ideal financial toolboxes available because we are:
Our 5-part Retirement Design System® is designed to allow our clients to enjoy the greatest years of their life. Efficiency is possible when your financial advisor develops a strategy for every area of your retirement. You don't need a portfolio of products, you need a comprehensive plan.
We are not “captive” advisors who have sales quotas and corporate pressure. We are product-agnostic; our clients’ needs drive the strategies we provide because we do not have a boss on Wall Street.
Since we focus on retirement planning, our team works with strategic partners who can help you with every area retirement affects, including:
- Asset Management
- Income Planning
- Long-Term Care
- Asset Preservation
- IRA & 401(k) Rollovers
- Estate Planning & Probate*
- Social Security Optimization
- Legacy Planning & Charitable Giving Strategies*
- Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney*
- Life Insurance
*J. Biance Financial has a strategic partnerships with tax professionals and attorneys that can provide tax and/or legal advice.
The above service programs include various financial tools and services such as:
(Click the images below to learn more about each tool or service)
We can also refer you to professionals who provide the following services:
Trusts | Probate | Charitable Giving | Estate Planning | Tax Planning